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INNOV GNAWA LILA @ 12:00 AM, SundayBarnspace


moroccan trance ritual

Innov Gnawa is a New York City-based Grammy-nominated music group led by Ma’alem Hassan Ben Jaafer. The title Ma’alem, meaning master, denotes Ben Jaafer’s ancestral heritage of the musical tradition, which was passed down generationally within his family in Morocco. As the spiritual elder of the ensemble, he plays the three-stringed African bass, also known as a guembri. Ben Jaafer is accompanied by Amino Belyamani, Nawfal Atiq and Ahmed Jeriouda, along with a brotherhood of guest musicians, all playing the qraqeb, metal castanets whose staccato sound is said to represent the shackles and chains of slaves.

They will be sharing a midnight lila ceremony — the sacred healing celebration of traditional Gnawa music — on Saturday night.

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